Inside St. Peter's by M.C.E.

M.C.E. 的許多作品都顯示了對建築物外型和內部結構的關切。然而相對於這兩項, 他更關心奇異的視覺效果, 這也是他的創作廣為大眾所認為的那樣。在這幅聖彼得大教堂鳥瞰圖, 本應垂直於地面的卻以一種聚集的透視角度呈現。相對於渺小的人物, 巨大的屋頂更顯得雄偉。這也正是宗教希望創造出的震撼與莊嚴。


Pray for Ioannes Paulus PP. II

莫名其妙進入了大教堂的地下室...是一些遺跡以及歷代教宗的墳墓...包括剛離我們而去的若望保祿二世, 想不到一個自從兒時就印象深刻的微笑老人...離我最近的時候竟然是這樣的場合...滿是祈禱的教徒們跪在靈前...看在我的眼裡...第一次覺得宗教與一般人其實也是接近的...特別是面臨生離死別的時候...

Part of ellipse

Piazza San Pietro

Queue for Basilica di San Pietro

Piazza del Popolo

Raining Rome Night

So So Dinner

I must to Sleep @Rome TODAY...even fully booked

好 在好在...今天有地方可以住...走來走去到處都是客滿的房間...而我預訂的 Hostel 卻是明天...對於驚險的遭遇...人總是會多了份銘記...這種類似於 Golledge 的 錨點理論 (Anchorpoint Theory) 所指出: 地標在學習過程中扮演的角色...每個地標對於人的顯著程度有所差異...也就是將後續的資訊掛在錨上面...我想我就是特別會連結情緒與事件吧...

Napoli to Rome

Stove for Napoli Pizza

Orange and Lemon

Pompei Red

Pompei Red - the bright colour painted on the walls of houses in the excavated city - became extremely popular at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century.

Green Heritage


King Size Strobile


Ancient Pine




Long time ago...

Passing wind and frost

Standing for Thousands

立正站好的希臘多立克式柱 (Doric) 見證了當年的火山噴發造成居民的手足無措。二十個世紀過去了...屹立不搖的模樣更顯得人類生命的脆弱。大雨過後的倒影, 映出了柱子們不為人知的另一面...多少故事被埋沒在滾燙的熔岩底下...無人知曉...反觀每年熙熙攘攘的我們...一個悲劇...居然造成龐大的商業 效應...就連台灣當時也有龐貝展覽...我說呀...我們這群打擾的遊客...如果遊覽當時遇上了火山爆發...兩千年之後是否也會有同樣的遊客... 談論這樣的故事...再講下去...就會像賴聲川《如夢之夢》的第一句台詞:"在一個故事中, 有人做了一個夢;在那夢中, 有人說了一個故事。"看似環狀的串連,蘊含了更深的意念。

Seeing Through

Frozen Moment

Crying Pompei

Coming Pompei

Raining cats and dogs

Tona A Surriento

Piazza Tasso

Cute Pigs

Accordion for Dinner

Steak with Patate arrosto

Before Sunset


Wonderful Say

Amazing Amalfi

Missing Atrani by M.C.E.

Coast of Amalfi means different to M.C.Escher because where he met his swiss wife, Jetta Umiker. For him, Views of Amalfi coast are building-unique, sea-beautiful, and seacoast-amazing. The upper paint is the segment of his famous series (Metamorphosis), and the lower right is the draft painted early in 1931. And the lower left is the current picture I download on the internet. I think I miss this place, due to the bus schedule. However, I really miss many things or places in this journey. On the other hand, I made some decision inevitably. Sometimes the limit of one thing cause the sturdy of another one.

Romantic Kiss


Ice Cream for Mouth and Eyes




Duomo @ Amalfi


Where am I ? Is it Heaven ?

Boundary between Sea and Land

Waiting is Worthy

" 明明知道照相機 很難真的拍出直接進入眼睛的一切 我還是忍不住的拿起相機 胡亂的拍了一陣" ...體會陳綺貞前往湘南海岸的那份悸動...剛等待完兩個小時的我...上了車呀...一路隨著公車晃呀晃...眼睛睜開...旁邊就是陡峭直接盡入眼 底的多層次海岸...為什麼說他是多層次呢...不同於東北角因為礦場的陰陽海原理...這海真的就像是剛進入秋天的樹葉綠也是綠得有順序...只是它的 藍...一輩子忘不了...尤其是剛逃離了陰晴交雜的蘇連多...心情一下子急切了起來...上次見到海的時候...因該是去潛水的時候了吧...這趟臨 時決定的南義之旅沒有白來...也難怪 Amalfi Coast 在 M.C.E. 心中烙印地這麼深刻...這個數十倍規模的九彎十八拐加清水斷崖的美麗天堂...

Finally Comes the Crowded Bus