
第三屆公共電視國際兒童影展 數位互動裝置展 本週開展囉

Magic Garden 魔法花園
3.28-4.8 本週五下午兩點有記者會 週六下午有 特別魔法企劃

每日 10am-9pm @敦南誠品B2展覽廳 免費入場*館內請勿飲食*

什麼是互動藝術呢? 會不會很艱澀難懂 ?還是都是一堆電腦跟一堆接線?

這次Magic Garden數位互動裝置展 將打破各位的迷思

他們長大後可能會收集BB Call當成古董寶貝拍賣
他們長大後可能會帶著 能無限上網的硬碟去上畫畫課
我們不能告訴他們 科技將如何演進
科技與藝術/科技與生活/科技與五感之間 的緊密連結+無限可能


請你 睜大眼,張開耳,穿著你的平底鞋 來到 Magic Garden

Magic Garden相關訊息 請見 光音伺見 in點.台灣

兒童影展相關訊息 請見官網


My Niece@NTU

My niece (My sister's daughter, but without consanguinity) with her family visit our school for azalea festival. I remember that I was working for illusion exhibition in our library last year. This time we both play soccer according to HER rules: she could kick the ball in any direction where I could merely chase. Finally, I lose the game. After that, she transfer her focus on these two little ducks, touching, pursuing, and frightening. Oops! I guess they are exhaustive, too.


Hon-Lu-Di Journey

This almost 20-degree steep road exhausts me to the death. However, I realize that the muscle trained by swimming and biking are two different groups. Honestly, I stop and push my bicycle about 6 times, where David Lin has brought me drink from the destination. I think this temple is a nice place for me, short but difficult. Most important of all, this place owns an amazing perspective around Taipei city, especially the night view. At the end of this journey, we visited the elder female in the mountain climbing club, who also works in Pfizer, where my cousin Catherine Lee is at the pretty high position. The world is so small as you explore deeper.