我 可以很久不和你連絡 任日子一天天這麼過 讓自己忙碌可以當作藉口 逃避想念你的種種軟弱 我可以學會對你很冷漠 為何學不會將愛沒收 面對你是對我最大的折磨 這些年始終沒有對你說 愛你越久我越被動 只因你的愛居無定所 是你讓我的心慢慢退縮退到你看不見的角落 愛你越久我越被動 只因我的愛不再為你揮霍 是我讓我的心失去自由卻再也沒有勇氣放縱
Busy Summer
This summer, many new come into Terry. Sometimes exhaustive feelings arises but surpressed by my powerful will. During several weeks, the ability to communication in TTT group seems improving. Our burgeoning business's model "SweetInHeart" is gradually finding its orbit. My proposed science article about "How is the real world mapping into our brain?"is revised by many friends' valuable opinions. The MM_Group also has a successful start tonight, we gather many people from different fields to share our minds to become the "knowledge society". The schedule and the VISA of Euro are still under construction. The advanced course of Adventures in Diving is also coming in this week. And there are still many sheets and questionaire about Nano-Technology Foresight to do in NARL. Last but not the least, my research in school is also a matter to be concerned. Wow...I am really tired...in this summer...
Kite Likes You
MM_Group has two levels of meaning: We gather some people interested in "what is Self or Mind? " to quickly grasp the concept of Marvin Minsky"s works "The Society of Mind" and "The Emotion Machine". I think the most beautiful way to understand the nature of mind is to watch inside ourself, propose some question, and discuss with other people. MM_Group provides three foregoing reasons: The AI master, Marvin Minsky selects many interesting materials about the Self and Mind, consists many simple illustration of his minute thoughts, other seniors' famous sentences. The content of these two books are also modified by discussing with his students. I hope this method works on us! These amazing information really impresses me and changes the way I believe. What is the meaning of life: for me, is to explore the treasure inside and outside me.
Drum from Far
TTT Yilan' Trip
Plush Bikini Night
Personalities of Zhang
I Wanna Say
Sweet In Heart
Scuba Diving Travel
那是颱風來臨前的綠島潛水之 旅,穿著防寒衣曝曬在酷熱的炎日下,濕黏的海風迎面襲來,搖晃的船伴隨著鹹腥的海水味,美景當前的我們早已不顧形象在船尾吐了起來。雖然船長身經百戰,我 們的漁船仍在動盪的巨浪中顯得毫無招架之力。來到了俗稱大香菇的千年珊瑚礁上方處,到了甲板前的我面對清澈見底的藍海,儘管墜落的恐懼剎時浮上心頭,但教 練的催促聲中還是鼓起勇氣縱身跳入湛藍的海中,清涼的暢快與輕盈的漂浮感讓之前的煎熬獲得救贖。慢慢下潛的途中,我發現二級頭有漏水的現象,不同於以往吸 入的乾燥空氣,還伴隨著鹹澀的海水,這突如其來的狀況讓我不知所措,陷入越是大口呼吸便吃入越多海水的無盡迴圈。當下除了教練平撫我因恐懼而增快的呼吸速 率,自己還得不斷地做著耳壓平衡以適應深海的壓力,情況逐漸好轉。我注意到光線減弱,因為部分的光線被水面折射,或被水中懸浮粒子擴散或吸收。顏色也逐漸 被水逐一吸收:首先是紅色,接著橙色和黃色,最後,是綠色和藍色。在水底世界並非全然寂靜,但是卻很難聽聲辨位,聲音似乎都從頭頂上來,而音色也比陸地上 的聲音單調許多。慢慢地,我接近二十多米的海底時,首先映入眼簾的是壯觀的大香菇,它是世界上已知體型最大的團塊微孔珊瑚體,輕踢我的蛙鞋並旋轉著我的身 體,陷入環繞身旁七彩斑斕的熱帶魚群,此刻的我幸福地感覺身在天堂。
I'm TerryWu
This is TerryWu's offical blogger. It would the mapping of my world since summer 2006. So far I have many different identities, graduate student@NTUEECS, co-founder @sweetinheart, and TTT summer intern@NSC-NARL, the author of BIOS Inside version2. And the co-founder of mining Media-Qualia project: Hyperstring. My previous articles could be found in BBS: hyperstring@ptt2, which is Taiwan's biggest BBS site (so you need BBS program, like KKMAN). My interest is to explore something funny in the world, including mountain climbing, off-road bicycling, scuba diving, and music-listening, and science book-reading. If you want to contact with me, just MSN me (terrywu0311@hotmail.com) or mail to me (b90501064@ntu.edu.tw).
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