Physically Health Solitude

鸚鵡學人說話, 究竟是學會了聲音還是學會了內容? 而我們說話都有內容嗎?
獨居的鸚鵡會兀自反覆習得的腔調, 無意識的發聲練習, 聽不見牠真正要說的
無法攬鏡自照時, 甚至會自殘一身美麗鮮艷的羽衣, 可能是因為孤獨的緣故

暑假時被媽媽咬傷的金絲猴康復了, 體態茁壯不少, 牢籠再也關不住好動的心
常常開心地呼應著我們的逗弄, 我懷疑, 更多孤獨時刻裡, 是凝視著沒有目標的遠方

2 則留言:

PSYL 提到...

You went back to the zoo? How lucky.

Good to see Microphone growing up strong and healthy.

TerryWu's Blog 提到...

We friends visit two popular Panda and then come back to center, however, they are absent.

Microphone grows up, it's happy to see his recovery.