Siena & Sienna

西那 (Siena) 美麗貝殼造型的康波廣場 (Piazza del Campo) 據說也是托斯加那 (Tuscany) 不可遺漏的觀光聖地...但是...我卻因為路線不順的緣故...錯過 (miss) 了...只好想念 (miss)...。偶然在一個顏色命名表中發現了黃褐或赭色 (Sienna)... 一字之差...卻也勾起了我這個遺憾...不過看在這廣場的顏色也是這樣的...就覺得這是一個奇妙的發現...一上 WikiPedia 就知道這並不是巧合...而是源由...截錄一段解說文字 『The name derives from the most notable Renaissance location for the earth, Siena, Italy, and is short for terra di Siena, "earth of Siena". The mines used to produce this sienna petered out in the 1940s. Much of today's sienna production is still carried out in the Italian islands of Sardinia and Sicily, while other major deposits are found in the Appalachian Mountains, where it often goes hand-in-hand with the region's iron deposits.』是呀...往往這樣的事情卻能加強我對概念的連結...就算<背影>是朱自清寫的而非魯迅...在網路上還是能夠找到 <背影>和魯迅的關連...與其說是Penny引用錯誤...倒不如說是一種錯誤的美...誰說兩個概念必然沒有聯繫...也許尚未建立罷 了...
