News for the Opening of 2009 Deaflympics



賴聲川是這次聽奧開幕式的靈魂人物,50分鐘的表演,身為藝術總間的他有信心,要獻給觀眾許多「第一次」,賴聲川堅持表演內容要MADE IN TAIWAN,也要有世界的高度。賴聲川的聽奧故事,從近乎全裸,全身彩繪的名模林嘉綺開始說起,這是全世界從來沒做過的挑戰,賴聲川要用他來當聽奧的開場,讓觀眾一看就捨不得移開目光。


Show Girls@Taipei Computex


Pentax Optio W80

在今日的電腦應用展前記者會,除了Pentax K7 數位單眼相機外(NT42900),現場還展示了最近發表的防水耐震機機,它就是擁有1210萬有效畫素與5倍光學變焦鏡頭的PENTAX Optio W80 防水輕巧型數位相機,建議售價未知。W80可讓使用者在水下5米連續拍攝2小時,除了具有防水、防塵、耐低溫的特性(符合IPX 8(或JIS Class 8)防水標準及相當於IPX 6(或JIS Class 6)防塵)。

W80還具有抵抗1米高度跌落的抗衝擊能力。特別適合進行滑雪、戲水、冲浪、浮潛、登山及垂釣等戶外運動, 此外,它還可以在溫室、花圃、廚房等潮濕的環境下使用。Optio W80內建專門為水下影片拍攝進行了優化設定的水下錄影拍攝模式,擁有HD高清晰動態片段錄製功能。三重SR防手震模式能夠抵抗多種類型的相機震動;臉部 識別功能高達32人,此外更具有貼心的眨眼提醒和一笑即拍功能。Optio W80能夠自動判斷拍攝場景,從7種場景模式中自動挑選最合適的攝影模式。

Sauna@Taiwan Mount Lu

廬山溫泉位於臺灣南投縣仁愛鄉精英村,日治時期稱富士溫泉。附近有霧社、塔羅灣溪和馬海僕溪。依地質分類,廬山溫泉屬於中央山脈板岩區的變質岩溫 泉。1960年代中華民國工業技術研究院能源礦物所在廬山溫泉的探勘結果發現,此溫泉區的儲水層位在廬山層的逸峰砂岩段和眉溪砂岩破碎帶。



Solitary Practicer

Varying Skies, Changing Moods

Couples in Heavy Rain

SSSH 1st Year Reunion

Nearly Shaven-Headed


Diamond on the Tipping Point

Cunning Children@Swimming Pool

Curved, Interweaved, and Cross-over Bridges

Vrah Vishnulok

探索吳哥@NGM July 2009

從空中俯瞰,這座有數百年歷史的寺廟如幻覺一般出現又消失。在森林密布的柬埔寨北部,起先它只不過是個赭色的斑點。盤踞在我們底下的是失落的吳哥 城,如今它已成廢墟,住在那裡的多半是鄉下的稻農。從南方約30公里處的洞里薩湖(東南亞的「大湖」)一直到北方大約等距處的荔枝山(從氾濫平原冒出來的 山脊),地表上散布著成群的高棉式住宅。為了因應暑期雨季的大水,它們都是蓋在細長的樁柱上。接著,唐諾.庫尼駕駛超輕型飛機飛過樹梢,這座宏偉的寺廟便 映入眼簾。

12世紀的班蒂色瑪寺令人想起了極盛時期的中世紀高棉帝國。班蒂色瑪寺是在1940年代修復,供奉的是印度教的毗濕奴神。這座寺廟被兩圈同心的方形牆所環 繞,它可能曾經有壕溝圍繞,壕溝象徵環繞著須彌山的鹹海,而須彌山就是神話中印度教諸神的住所。在一片興建熱潮中,高棉人在吳哥城內蓋了上千座寺廟,班蒂 色瑪寺只是其中之一。而在規模與野心上,這些建築並不輸給埃及的金字塔。當我們飛過時,我伸長了脖子看最後一眼,接著寺廟便消失在森林裡。

吳哥是無故消失的最偉大文明之一。高棉帝國從9世紀延續到15世紀,並在鼎盛時期主宰了東南亞的廣大地區,西起緬甸,東到越南。它的都城吳哥住了多達75 萬人,所涵蓋的面積相當於紐約市五個行政區總和,而這也使它成了前工業化世界中規模最大的都會區。16世紀後期,當葡萄牙傳教士發現吳哥窟的蓮花形寶塔 時,這座光輝一時的帝國都城已陷入垂死的掙扎。吳哥窟是城內最精巧的寺廟,也是世界上最大的宗教遺址。



Glass Curtain, Beatuy or Threat !?

Bright Shadow

The Last, The Only, The Love


Before Sunset

Slippery Grip to be Changed

Cool Swimming Pool

Friends' Link

Demolished Flyover@Banciao

Attitude of Love


作詞:崔恕 作曲:林天愛

如果擁抱不夠親密 就溶化在你懷裡
合而為一 是兩顆心最近的距離
你說這城市太擁擠 如果只剩下我和你
還會不會 在乎那些阻力

既然愛了就要愛得起 懦弱會讓自己看不起
燃燒了心 只為盡興 豁出去 愛才有意義

相信愛了就會愛得起 就算輸了我也輸得起
愛是一種 與生俱來的能力 遇到你就有用武之地

花光我所有的力氣 我不怕一貧如洗
愛越徹底 快樂的感受就越清晰
没什麼深刻的道理 愛就是唯一的真理
這場遊戲 你玩不玩得起
既然愛了就要愛得起 懦弱會讓自己看不起
燃燒了心 只為盡興 豁出去 愛才有意義

相信愛了就會愛得起 就算輸了我也輸得起
愛是一種 與生俱來的能力 遇到你就有用武之地

浪漫 不怕浪費 愛不分錯對
完整才算完美 奢侈一些 更顯得珍貴
既然愛了就要愛得起 懦弱會讓自己看不起
燃燒了心 只為盡興 豁出去 愛才有意義
相信愛了就會愛得起 相信自己不會輸不起
愛是一場 命中注定的戰役 勝利的權利 在我手裡


Stand the Heat

Window Washers

Michael Jackson Tribute: Stockholm and Taiwan

These are two performances made at Segels Torg and the Central Station (a third installment is planned to happen at Stureplan at 23.00 tonight).

The dance collective Bounce came up with the idea and invited the public to a short choreographed session before hitting the streets.

Copyright Pierre Wikberg

Jul. 19 - Hundreds of fans gathered at Taipei city center for a dance performance on Sunday, in memory of Michael Jackson.

The dancers were mobilized via internet messages where a training video was posted last week for Jackson fans to learn a one-minute long choreography for the late singer's 1983 hit "Beat it."

"Man In The Mirror" Tribute - Siedah Garrett and The Agape International Choir: Michael Jackson

"Man In The Mirror" singer-songwriter Siedah Garrett and the Agape International Choir Honor Michael Jackson in LIVE performance of Worldwide Number One Song.

"I have the distinct honor of writing one of Michael Jacksons all-time favorite songs," says Saieda Garrett. "Michael's compassion and generosity taught the world to sing with one voice and his amazing talent lives in the hearts of people everywhere."
"Michael Jackson inspired the world by demonstrating how one person can make a positive impact on the lives of many," says Rickie Byars Beckwith, director of the 200 voice Agape International Choir. "We are honored to sing in joyous celebration with Siedah Garrett, whose socially responsible lyrics helped bring consciousness to the masses."

Rickie, with her husband, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Culver City, CA, created the Agape International Choir in 1988 as a vehicle that delivers transformational healing through the power of music.

(c) Agape Media International. www.AgapeLive.com

Systematic Desensitization

Systematic desensitization is a type of behavioral therapy used in the field of psychology to help effectively overcome phobias and other anxiety disorders. More specifically, it is a type of Pavlovian therapy / classical conditioning therapy developed by a South African psychiatrist, Joseph Wolpe. To begin the process of systematic desensitization, one must first be taught relaxation skills in order to control fear and anxiety responses to specific phobias. Once the individual has been taught these skills, he or she must use them to react towards and overcome situations in an established hierarchy of fears. The goal of this process is that an individual will learn to cope and overcome the fear in each step of the hierarchy, which will lead to overcoming the last step of the fear in the hierarchy. Systematic desensitization is sometimes called graduated exposure therapy.

Specific phobias are one class of mental illness often treated through the behavior therapy or cognitive-behavioral process of systematic desensitization. When individuals possess irrational fears of an object, such as height, dogs, snakes, and close spaces, they tend to avoid it. Since escaping from the phobic object reduces their anxiety, patients’ behavior to reduce fear is reinforced through negative reinforcement, a concept defined in operant conditioning. The goal of Systematic Desensitization is to overcome this avoidance pattern by gradually exposing patients to the phobic object until it can be tolerated. This will be challenging for the patient at first to deal with the fear, but gradually, most will overcome this fear. In classical and operant conditioning terms the elicitation of the fear response is extinguished to the stimulus (or class of stimuli).




M.J & P.M.: The Girl is Mine

The Girl Is Mine

Every night she walks right in my dreams 每個晚上她都走進我的夢裡

Since I met her from the start 自從我遇上她開始
I'm so pround I am the only one 我很驕傲我是她的唯一
Who is special in her heart 在她心中佔特別位置的人

The girl is mine 她是我的
The doggone girl is mine 噢,這個女孩是我的
I know she's mine 我知道她是我的
Because the doggone girl is mine 因為這個這個女孩就是我的

I don't understand the way you think 我不能理解你的這種想法
Saying that she's yours not mine 說她是你的而不是我的
Sending roses and your silly dreams 去送她玫瑰,去做愚蠢的夢
Really just a waste of time 真的只是在浪費時間

Because she's mine 因為她是我的
The doggone girl is mine 噢,這個女孩是我的
Don't waste your time 別浪費你的時間了
Because the doggone girl is mine 因為這個女孩就是我的

I love you more than he 我比他更愛你
(Take you anywhere) 會帶你去任何的地方

But I love you endlessly 但我對你的愛是無止境的
(Loving we will share) (讓我們來分享這愛吧)

(Michael & Paul)
So come and go with me 所以,跟我一齊走吧
Two on the town 我們倆到鎮上去

But we both cannot have her 但是我們不能同時擁有她
So it's one or the other 所以只能是其中的一個
And one day you'll discover 總有一天你會發現
That she's my girl forver and ever 她永遠永遠是我的女孩

verse 3:
Don't build your hopes to be let down 別再有那些會被破滅的希望了
'Cause I really feel it's mine 因為我感到她只能是我的
I konw she'll tell you i'm the one for her 我知道她會告訴你我才是她的唯一的
'Cause she said I blow her mind 因為她說我能使她神魂顛倒

The girl is mine 她是我的
The doggone girl is mine 噢,這個女孩是我的
Don't waste your time 別浪費你的時間了
Because the doggone girl is mine 因為這個女孩就是我的

(Michael & Paul)
She's mine,she's mine 她是我的,她是我的
No,no,no,she's mine 不,不,不,她是我的
The girl is mine,the girl is mine 這女孩是我的,這女孩是我的
The girl is mine,the girl is mine 這女孩是我的,這女孩是我的
The girl is mine,(yep)she's mine 這女孩是我的,(是的)她是我的
The girl is mine,(yep)she's mine 這女孩是我的,(是的)她是我的
Don't waste your time 別浪費你的時間了
Because the doggone girl is mine 因為這女孩就是我的
The girl is mine,the girl is mine 她是我的,她是我的

Michael,we're not gonna fight about this, okey?

Paul, I think I told you,I'm a lover not a fighter

I've heard it all before 我聽過了
Michael,she told me that Michael,她對我說
I'm her forever lover,you know 我永遠都是她的愛人,你知道的
Don't you remember? 難道你忘記了?

Well,after loving me,she said she 噢,她說過在我之後,她
couldn't love another 不可能再愛另一個人了

Is that what she said? 她是這麼說的?
eah,she said it,you keep dreaming 是的,她說的,你繼續做夢吧
I don't believe it 我不相信
(Michael & Paul)
The girl is mine,(mine,mine,mine) 她是我的,(我的,我的,我的)

Whose Chemistry Attracts

Chemistry.com is an online dating service. It is a sister site of Match.com and was established by a team who worked for the company.[1] The site's policies involve pairing members specifically for long-term relationships using methods it refers to as "compatibility" and "chemistry", hence its namesake.

Chemistry.com's matching algorithm was designed by Dr. Helen Fisher, an anthropology professor and scholar, and features interviews and contributions from her along with MSN spaces page, "The Great Mate Debate".[2] On January 30, 2009, ABC's 20/20 aired a two-hour special featuring Dr. Fisher and discussing her theory and research behind the Chemistry.com personality test and matching.

The website became notable after several ads portrayed online daters who were rejected by eHarmony, including one which featured a gay man, highlighting the fact that eHarmony will not match people with individuals of the same gender. [3][4]

In April 2008, Chemistry launched a new set of advertisements signifying the second phase of its long-term strategy, by taking the conventional wedding vows shared between two people and re-inventing them "Chemistry style".

Night View@Taipei

Moonwalk by TerryWu


Waitress is the Swimmer from Banciao

JJ Swim Center


Train or Be Trained?

Meet Friends Currently

Liking Water is the First Step

Curiously-Watching Eclipse